Make love
Don’t forget what’s really worthwhile in this life. Don’t let inertia get you. Don’t let indifference beat you. Remember your dreams every day and load your backpack with ideals. Face fear as an exercise and study the silence. Trust. Recover the path as many times as necessary and always throw good vibrations. Take the risk and don’t regret it. Make love.
Don’t let anyone tell you what to do with your life. Do whatever you like and don’t care what other people think; don’t seek acceptance or approval from anyone, only from your own. Love yourself and don’t look outside for what you need inside. Don’t worry so much about money. Don’t worry so much about work. Try to give more than you receive and trust the universe. Make love.
May you find the courage to take the blows that life will give you. Don’t stop getting up from every fall, even though the longest winter, the sun will always rise again. Give life several chances and visit the ocean often. Travel until you get poor, visit other cultures and collect moments, cause you will leave empty-handed from this life. Forgive yourself, forgive others and start again. Make love.
Be passionate about what you do with your life. Let it have a meaning. But don’t leave your life in an office, work will never be the measure of all things, and stress is only frightened away when you trust. Do as much as you can, no less and no more. But also learn to relax, to chill and occasionally to meditate. Bring your mind to the present and be aware. Reflect when the rain starts, light a candle at night and read yourself to sleep. Make love.
Don’t forget where you come from and where you want to go. Do not abandon the spirit and do not stop seeing the stars. Hang on to the moon’s skirts and talk a lot with Grandpa Fire. Make an altar and raise your intentions. Be impeccable with your word and don’t make assumptions. Don’t take anything personal. Research the legends of the native people and discover the indigenous roots. Find your power. From your soul and with an open heart. Make love.
In the end, make your life an adventure. May you like the storytelling of your days and may you be remembered. Enjoy every meal, enjoy every conversation and enjoy the moment. Be sincere and you will find company. Kiss until your mouth hurts. Dance even if you don’t know how. Always choose love over fear, always choose love over war. Make a stop on the road and listen your inner voice, follow her. Now you know the secret: love is everywhere, and all you need is love.